Clever Dog Discovers a Unique Way to Buy Treats

Since 2014, a cute black lab is living in the campus of Colombia’s Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare. Negro seems to get really well alongside the students. OR maybe he’s actually keeping an eye eye over the students as a guardian who is going for their studies. Instead the students are looking after him and provide provides food, water and shelter since they share the same home.

But apparently, the dog has decided to do the things that are beyond to him. After all, a dog who live in a campus have to be a clever one. So the dog noticed that the students are buying things on their breaks from the campus store. They even used to buy cookies for Negro from that store. That was when out cute dog learned about commerce, so he decided to try it out all by himself.

“He would go to the store and watch the children give money and receive something in exchange. Then one day, spontaneous, he appeared with a leaf in his mouth, wagging his tail and letting it be known that he wanted a cookie,” teacher Angela Garcia Bernal said.

More than that, Negro also invented his very own unique currency. And surprisingly it was accepted. From his point of view, money are literally grow on the trees.

“He comes for cookies every day,” Gladys Barreto, a longtime store attendant, said. “He always pays with a leaf. It is his daily purchase.”

And since Negro is being doing his trick for a while, the staff takes care by giving him only those foods which are safe for dogs. The staffs also limit his purchase to just a couple a day but still, it’s a remarkable thing to behold.

“When you first see it, you almost want to cry,” Bernal said. “He’s found a way to make himself understood. He’s very intelligent.”

Now, that’s, I have to a admit, a really clever dog! Like the one from the video bellow!

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